Day 10

  It's the last day of camp people. Which means this is also the last morning blog. It's so bittersweet. I hope you all have had fun during this camp!

Day 10

Everybody smile, it's Friday!!

And I know some of you barely made it, but don't worry, today is going to be fun!

Today is Rainbow day due to our democratic vote yesterday! It's also showcase day!!

Wanna know about an odd showcase? "In Sweden exists the Museum of Failure. Their collection showcases products that have failed to sell or like up to the hype, such as Google Glass, Trump: the Board Game, Colgate frozen dinners, and Betamax." (showcase facts).

Today is the showcase which means you'll be displaying a project you made during camp. This is similar to showcases in the CS field. There are conferences where people go to show off their newest tech and try to get funding to mass produce it. This is where up and coming technology is showed off.

That's the end of the last blog. Have fun today! (If you read until the end, post a smiley face on our Google Classroom! :) )
