Day 3

   Good morning everybody! Welcome to the first Wednesday of camp!

Day 3

Hope you're all having a happy Wednesday and if you're not, I hope this will cheer you up a bit!

If you're not feeling this Wednesday, here's a meme for you.

Today's theme is Anime/Animation!! I hope everyone remembered to dress up for the theme!

Let's get started with a fun fact about anime and animation. Animation requires animators to draw out each frame. This takes a considerable amount of work. The animators on the team for the anime Akira didn't shy away from the work though. In fact, they put in extra work! "Many animators avoided drawing films with a nighttime setting… but not those behind the anime Akira. Drawing such scenes increases the color requirements, which didn’t seem to bother them. They wanted Akira to be darker and used 327 colors to adjust to this significant change. Anime facts claim that 50 were specifically made for this film." (anime facts)

Want to learn more interesting anime facts? Click the "anime facts" link above.

Now, what does computer science have to do with this widely popular form of entertainment? Everything! Computer science helped build and program the drawing hardware and software animators use. And have you ever heard of CGI? It stands for Computer-Generated Imagery, which is digitally created images for film and other media. Computer science is the main driving force behind this. Interesting, huh?

If you want to read more about CGI, click here.

That's all I have for you today. Have fun and learn during camp today!
